Mission & Vision

The Friends of the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge is dedicated to promoting the conservation of the natural resources of the refuge, fostering public understanding and appreciation of the refuge, and engaging in activities that will assist the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to meet its mandates.


  1. Support USFWS in increasing habitat restoration and maintaining the health of the bay
  2. Provide increased opportunities for visitors to have a positive experience visiting the Refuge and leave feeling excited and supportive about the work that is being done
  3. Promote environmental education for visitors of all ages by  supporting teachers, students and visitors in hands-on learning about the refuge
  4. Increase external organizational collaboration through maintaining existing partnerships and identifying future partners
  5. Increase support for the Refuge with all stakeholders at all levels (visitors, neighbors, political agencies and representatives, etc.)
  6. Maintain a strong effective Board and leadership presence which is diverse, high functioning, stable and committed and ensure that we have succession plans in place
  7. Strengthen our membership program and increase membership
  8. Increase level of resources (e.g., staff, funding, etc.) so that the Refuge and the Friends’ work is sustainable.

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