[JOIN US] Cullinan Ranch Cleanup for Coastal Annual Cleanup Day – Saturday, September 17, 2022

Join us at 9am on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at Cullinan Ranch for a clean-up day as part of the California Coastal Commission’s 38th annual Coastal Cleanup Day! Cullinan Ranch is a jewel in our San Pablo Bay Wildlife Refuge and it needs regular clean-up so visitors can focus on its natural beauty and abundant […]
Cullinan Ranch Clean Up for Earth Day – Saturday, April 23, 2022

We had a great day April 23, 2022 cleaning up the Cullinan Ranch parking lot. Our local Federal Wildlife Officer, Alex Holt, even stopped by to pitch in! We had Cullinan Ranch cleaned up pretty quickly so we moved on to Skaggs Island Road. A special thanks to Mike McClure who brought a dump […]
Coastal Clean – up September 18 , 2021

On September 18, 2021, Friends board members gathered with other volunteers to participate in the 37th California Coastal Cleanup Day presented by the California Coastal Commission. We transformed the Cullinan parking area off Highway 37! Board members, friends and family gathered at the Cullinan parking area off Highway 37 to participate in the 37th annual […]
Cullinan Breach

January 6, 2015 Being engaged in government is one of our most important responsibilities as citizens. Involvement is especially critical when you hold a divergent view and sometimes, just sometimes perseverance pays off. Today we are witnessing how wildly successful a handful of committed folks supported by a large group of believers can be! Look […]
Testing a newsletter post

Annual Flyway Festival held on Mare Island

A long weekend birding and wildlife event created by Myrna Hayes that celebrates the return of more than 1 million shorebirds and thousands of ducks, geese, hawks and songbirds which migrate through or winter in the Bay Area. The Annual Flyway Festival hosted by the nonprofit Mare Island Heritage Trust, is held during the second […]
Skaggs Island Bike Ride

Each year, the Friends of the San Pablo Bay Refuge and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge team up to organize a day of fun riding bikes and exploring Skaggs Island. Located just north of Highway 37, the 3,300-acre former secret naval communications site is now part of the […]
Vision of the Wild

Visions of the Wild Festival was conceived by the U.S. Forest Service and Vallejo Community Arts foundation to celebrate and connect art, culture, nature and community. Held in September 2014, the inaugural festival theme celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act. The Friends’partnership with the Visions of the Wild has generated engaging activities that […]
Public Outreach at Sonoma Raceway

Nascar racing enthusiasts were treated to a little local environmental info. During the breaks between races the spectators could measure themselves against the wingspan of an eagle, match a bone with the correct wildlife photo, or imagine themselves skimming cross tidal mudflats sitting in the airboat. The Refuge and the Raceway are neighbors. Hiking to […]
Optics & Nature Festival
Optics and Nature Festival at Cornerstone in Sonoma The Friends join this event, held in September, by hosting a table at the Expo displaying its mission of support for the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge and introducing the refuge trails for bird watching opportunities at Cullinan Ranch, Sears Point on the Sonoma Baylands Trail […]